Getting Healthy: 2016 Edition
We're so over fitness articles. We know they can be helpful and contain great information, but does every magazine have to have "Lose 5 Pounds This Week!" as a headline?!
We're not knocking the idea of getting/being healthy. We just think there's a lot more to it than a number on a scale.
At LiLash®, we think being healthy should extend into all areas of our lives: physical, emotional, mental, etc. Below we've compiled a few super simple ideas that we think touch on each of these areas. Try a few out and let us know if they work for you!
1. Read a good book.
There's a reason every blog on the Internet has a "Top Summer Reads" list. There are a million great books out there ready for you to read. With an endless supply of options, you definitely won't get through all of the books during summer vacay.

So stockpile those lists, and check them off as you go through the different seasons. Taking time to read a chapter or two each day, even if you can only fit it in before bed, is the perfect way to unwind. Not only does it help keep your mind sharp, but it's time that you can escape into a different world and relax.
2. Be kind to your skin.
Every mom says it, but we never listen until it's too late. So we're here to back her up. Every single day—no matter the season—you should be wearing sunscreen! Even if you only manage to put it on your face, this is totally worth the extra step in your morning routine. The sun is harsh, so the added layer of sun protection will go a long way. Plus, does anything scream summer like the smell of sunscreen? (Don't worry if you hate that smell. Different brands make plenty of unscented sunscreens, too.)
3. Lashes deserve to be healthy, too!
How many layers of mascara do you have on right now? Or how many times did you use your heated eyelash curler this morning? If you're like most women, then you put your eyelashes through a lot. It's no wonder they have trouble growing! The good news is, LiLash® is here to save the day. While you'll see amazing results with our eyelash serum, it does much more than just grow your eyelashes! LiLash® conditions your lash follicles, and leads to less natural lash breakage. The result? Long, healthy lashes to enjoy.
4. Go on a walk.
This might be one to avoid if you're located in Arizona like we are. But if you're in any other part of the world, taking a walk is a great way to immerse yourself in nature, and be active along the way! Grab your best friend, or your dog, or even just a pair of headphones, and head out your front door. Take time to think, breathe, have a good chat, or whatever else your soul is in need of.
5. Clear your calendar.
Our final idea is both the easiest and hardest thing to do. We strongly recommend that you do nothing. Find a day this week and schedule nothing. Wake up when you want. Stay in your pajamas all day. Why even bother showering? Don't even think about cooking (unless that's your favorite thing to do). Call up your favorite to-go place, put on some Netflix and try your hand at doing nothing. While this may be hard to schedule and stick to, you'll be thanking us when you feel rejuvenated at the end of the day.

Being healthy is so much more than the size you wear, or the amount of time you spend at the gym each week. Being healthy is about taking care of yourself in every way, all the way down to your eyelashes. The magic is real.